8 Famous Authors Whose Works Have Been Rewritten by Their Publishers

“Although one member of my campus department personally chided the NewSouth editor-in-chief for altering the text, most of my colleagues seem to comprehend the purpose of this effort to reintroduce Twain’s novels into the classroom. Professors in the fields of medieval and Renaissance literature even mentioned the many concessions in translation necessary to make the…

Emails and Letters to Alan Gribben, 2011

Within a few weeks of the PUBLISHERS WEEKLY article, my office computer registered 1,082 personal emails–443 (41%) strongly objecting to the NewSouth Edition, most of these unsigned and a great many of them seeming to take pleasure in an opportunity to throw the n-word around in denouncing me and my edition.    A significant percentage…

Remarks about using the n-word in the classroom

HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER: “I completely stopped teaching this book because of the effect it has on African American students. Any person who disagrees with your version should be forced to assign and teach the original version . . . just so they can experience the difficulty and discomfort of such hateful language in a scholastic…

American Realism in 1840

“The use of the n-word in the 1840s when HUCKLEBERRY FINN is set was historically accurate in in keeping with the American Realism Movement of which Twain was a proponent.” –Alan Gribben The Original Text Edition (and the NewSouth Edition) are available at Amazon https://www.google.com/search?q=amazon+alan+gribben+books&rlz=1C1EJFC_enUS868US868&oq=amazon+alan+gribben+books&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.8542j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1 and UGA Press https://ugapress.org/imprints/newsouth-books/ (NewSouth Books merged with UGA Press…

Rasmussen’s Tom Sawyer Critical Insights

R. Kent Rasmussen collected and edited essays about The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) in a Critical Insights volume (Salem Press/EBSCO, 2022). Sixteen contributors–Rasmussen, Peter Messent, Alan Gribben, Joe B. Fulton, Philip Bader, John Bird, Kevin MacDonnell, K. Patrick Ober, Linda Morris, Hannah J. D. Wells, Kerry Driscoll, John H. Davis and Hugh H. Davis,…

Clay Jenkinson interviews Alan Gribben

In a 2022 interview Alan Gribben defends his n-word-free edition of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Clay S. Jenkinson, humanities scholar, historian, and founder of the Theodore Roosevelt Center, conducted this interview. The NewSouth Edition and the Original Text Edition of both Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer are available from https://ugapress.org/imprints/newsouth-books/ (NewSouth Books merged with UGA…

2021 Eugene Current-Garcia Award Ceremony via Zoom

Alan Gribben, recipient of the 2021 Eugene Current-Garcia Award for Distinguished Literary Scholar, talks about “Living in Mark Twain’s Mind: A Fifty-Year Puzzle” via Zoom. The Monroeville Literary Festival and the Association of College English Teachers of Alabama are pleased to announce that Dr. Alan Gribben has been selected as the recipient of the 2021…

The Big Read in 2010 (Video)

The idea of removing the n-word from Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn–by translating this detested racial slur as “slave” instead–occurred to me after I completed a tour of libraries in Alabama and Georgia to promote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for the NEA Big Read program. Teachers approached me in every town and said that they could not (or would not) teach…